From Guillermo Del Toro's "Pan's Labyrinth" film, the Pale Man is a wan and emaciated thing; a nightmarish, child eating configuration shrouded in flaccid skin. It wheezes to life like an emphysematic sufferer when the young Ophelia decides to partake of a few bulbous grapes from it's buffet of tasty looking fruit.
The sound it's crackling bones makes as it stiffly rises to pursue her with ravenous intent...
An artist by the name of Jake Anderson sculpted a life sized replica of the Pale Man that's equally as unsettling as the thing from Del Toro's film. Jake conveyed the nightmarish form of this character wonderfully. To say I was utterly delighted to paint this piece would be an oversimplification of the fact that I enjoyed every moment of it.
Jake is a very talented artist with an affection for the macabre. To see more of his work, click Here.
Fantastic work Jason! Once again you've pushed your talents to a new level. The paint appears simple and insanely realistic, a very hard thing to do! Beautiful photography as well!